WTS 18M sp full skilled Vargur + Naglfar Hull( can train in 1hr) character Feel free for ANY

one kill right
npc corp
got 2.5B of est asset

(got skill books worth around 2B including all skillbooks in trading section.
(Vargur can fly with any fit)

  • bit of skin


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offer 15b

is that the highest you can get to?

can you do 16B?

16b b/o

Bid accepted Ill pat for the transfer fee in 24hrs

isk and account name sent

kk thank you will put up a transfer in a hour!

Account Information Removed by ISD Traindriver.

NEVER post sensible Accountdata on a public Forum!
otw! thank you

Thank you, please can we remove image @ISD @nou67

Sorry if that was a problem ty for the trade.

Appreciate it, thank you!

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