WTS: 19.9M PM/Transport/Almost Capital Pilot

This character is for sale. 19.9M. Highlights include:

In Jita
Positive Security Standing
Positive Standing
Positive Wallet
Set of +3 Implants

Jump Drive Operation V
Advanced Planetology IV
Command Center Upgrades IV
Interplanetary Consolidation IV
Planetology V
Remote Sensing V
Caldari Industrial V
Transport Ships IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
Capital Ships V

10B Starting Bid.
18B Buyout.

11b in the hunt for an alt :slight_smile:

11bil buyout offer

11.5b offer


14b b/o offer

EDIT: valid for limited time, pending another offer.

EDIT2: offer withdrawn, bought another toon.

The offer of 14B by Big Pops is agreed upon. Please send payment and account information to this character via in-game email and I’ll get the process started as soon as I get home from work.

Sorry, offer withdraw, I have bought another toon.

If this toon doesn’t sell, I might be interested in another week, feel free to contact me.

The character is back for sale.

13 bil b/o offer

The offer of 13B by Becca Gunther is agreed upon. Please send payment and account information to this character via in-game email and I’ll get the process started as soon as I get home from work.

payment made and eve mail sent with account details

ISK received and transfer to account initiated. Thanks again and enjoy.

Character received. Thanks again!

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