Looking to sell myself, I used this character to run level 4 Blood raider missions.
Good tengu skills
Gallente cruiser V
2 remaps
Good Blood raiders standing
Basic implants
Located in Perimeter
Positive wallet
Positive sec status
No kill rights
I’ll let it run a couple of days and then accept highest offer. If I don’t get any decent offers, I won’t sell.
Bump. I’d like to get some more for it.
Bump. I will leave it up for another day, if I don’t get any better offers, I will accept the 14b one.
Still on sale! aiwaeve contact me ingame if you want to buy.
To the top! Still on sale!
(Cez McNez)
so do you wang sell it in 12b?
I was kinda hoping for a little more. Could you do 14b perhaps?
I accept the 13.5b offer from Tradesman93. Please send ISK and account info via evemail.
Isk and evemail with info sent
ISK received. Character transfer process initiated.
Received on my account. Thank you
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