Looking to sell an old character. 1 yearly remap available and 3 bonus remaps.
Wallet Balance: 650,000 ISK
No Kill Rights
No Jump Clones
Located in Todaki (1.0)
Looking to sell an old character. 1 yearly remap available and 3 bonus remaps.
Wallet Balance: 650,000 ISK
No Kill Rights
No Jump Clones
Located in Todaki (1.0)
1.9b is my offer
Accepted offer. Please send ISK and account name when ready.
please send post from character being sold so i know you have control of said character and i will send isk right away…
Proof of ownership sent from the character being sold.
Payment hasn’t been received yet. So I believe this character is still available.
2,5b buy out.
Offer accepted. Sent in game mail to Nekas for proof of ownership. I’ll transfer when ISK is received.
Thank you!
Isk send. Thank you!
Thanks. Submitted for character transfer.
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Pygarp
Will be completed after: 12/14/2018 5:25:43 PM
Thank you!
what a plot of sellig char for 2.5b if transfer fee is 3.3b?
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