Born: 2003-08-03
- In NPC corp
- No kill rights
- Wallet positive
- Located at Jita IV - Moon 4
Taking offers, will end 17:00 GMT today 07/01/2021.
I will pay the CCP transfer fee.
Born: 2003-08-03
Taking offers, will end 17:00 GMT today 07/01/2021.
I will pay the CCP transfer fee.
Bump to top
no real offers or interest so far - any valuations / advice welcome
41b offer
Your bid of 45b is winning, will end 17:00 GMT today 07/01/2021.
Hi, you’re highest bidder. Please transfer isk and email ingame when ready and I’ll start transfer. Thanks
ISK and account info sent.
Thx you
ISK recieved, starting transfer
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