I am selling myself https://skillboard.eveisesi.space/users/b1b53bae47f8b5558e4b1aebf709ee42afca2625- specialized in all sub cap operations from Logi to whatever you need.
He is in a NPC Corp, data needs to update on skillsheet. Located in Jita 4-4 right now.
Looking for a minumum bid of 60bil isk, and will take buyouts. Auction will go through Monday if no agreed upon buyouts.
Thank you!
This is accepted, waiting on isk and account details. Thank you!
(Kayla Rose)
Isk and account info sent! Thank You!
ISK Recieved, waiting on account details
Rcvd Account details - transferring now
Trying to transfer, says service is down, will keep trying throughout the day
Waiting for system to get back online for transfer…
System still down for Character transfer…
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