WTS 2011 19m - Dreadnought, Exhumers

19,048,217 SP

5/6 High-Grade Amulet Set
Docked in Jita
No Kill Rights with Positive Security Status
pos wallet
1 Jita Jump Clone
2 Neural Remaps Available
npc corp

Skillq - FuninTheSun

BO - 18b

Make link public

Threat Re-Opened.

Character is still available. Made some edits to the listing.

auction style with reserve price added

8b offer

10bill offer


Good offers, not quite at the price I’m looking for.




13.5b offer


If you can do 14b then I will accept your offer.

Rescind i had another character processed today. Once its done ill post again if you like but i wanna give someone else a chance to B/O so you’re not waiting.

14b bo out ready
