WTS 204 Mil SP Supercapital/Capital ships Titans Leviathan/Komodo/Erebus/Avatar

  • Positive wallet

  • 5.01 security status

  • No kill rights

  • 5 jump clones

  • In NPC corp

  • Starting bid 180B ISK

150b offer

still relevant?

yes still…

ok send isk and info

ok.hold on after dt will do it

isk send

transfer start?

yes start

ok.wait for the char.ty

Account was hacked

what the ■■■■.i buy this char can ccp back my isk.ty

@ISD_Golem @ISD_Drew i got this char pls check.if hacked pls back my isk

If a GM hasn’t contacted you through in-game mail, you don’t need to worry for the most part I guess.

Closed - Only GM can resolve account / character bazar issues, please open a ticket via https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011834800-Contacting-Support