WTS 22.3mil sp Legion lvl5. SUBSSYSTEMS LVL 5


if you still want it, I agree with your offer of 16 b

ill offer 14.5 iskeis rdy

the last high offer is 16 bil

no prob. my offer is available while i have iskies, which is not so stable) might buy another toon in next thread, might not.

if you can do 15,5 b i will sell

sorry ill semi retract my bid as another toon prolly will require additional fundings. will be back to this deal in couple hours.

still for sale…

14bil iskies rdy

thx, but no thx

14.5B ISK ready


probably you should change the title to LEGION SUBSYSTEMS LVL 5 because LOKI is Minmatar, not Amarr…

thx for info

14.5B ready now

15.1 ?

15.5 bil if you want

nah gl

I’ll pass, Gina Tonic can have it for 15.1Bil who’s been beggar bidding for a while now.

still for sale…