Sold - waiting for transfer

It’s time to say goodbye to a great toon that can do most anything in eve except capitols, and yet it would only take a short time to be able to use them.

born: 7-27-2010.
no kill rights
positive wallet balance
3 jump clones 1 with +5s
i will pay fee

starting bid: 200b
buy out: surprise me

the skills speak for themselves

FYI: link not working

can’t see skill

@Magnum_PI please update your skillq link share settings to ensure anyone can view it, test using incognito mode in your browser to verify. If this is not resolved in 24 hours, this thread will be locked.

edit: sorry, forgot to “share” it

fresh start?

were you thinking fresh start

weekend bumpage

i want 201b

if no other bids by the time i get home this evening i will start the ball rolling

205b offer

205b offer BUY OUT

wont be home for another 6 hours or so, if your bid still stands, its yours

sold, send account name and isk

I am prepare isk, please wait some time.When I finish work and return home, it will be about 9 hours later.

isk sent,Wait for character transfer

isk received but can’t transfer to the acct you gave,… “Target user not found or not active.”

check spelling and resend please

It has been resent the email,Please transfer

sent, thank you

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