- Core skills trained as much as they can be on an alpha
- 493k SP unallocated
- In Jita
- Positive wallet
- 0.0 sec status
Start bid 2b ISK, 3b ISK buyout.
Grab a bargain
Start bid 2b ISK, 3b ISK buyout.
Grab a bargain
You are getting less than the character transfer cost thou? Transfer cost is $20 which is equal to 2 billion isk if you buy plex off the store.
1 isk
Thanks, I’ll amend minimum.
3mil isk
2b, expires in 24 hours
oops. I wish these forums notified of replies!
I’ll take it if the offer is still there
Alright. What’s the next step?
EVE mail in-game with the account you want me to send the toon to, and the 2b ISK to Chew You Foo.
I’ll then pay for the character transfer.
Bid withdrawn.
2 isk
Hello, is this sitll for sale?
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