I’m up for sale. 25.5M in mostly mining related/PI Activity
- Positive wallet
- Positive sec status
- No kill rights
- Located in HS
- 2 Remaps available!
3 clones
+5’s and Highwall MX-1005 Yield implants
20B B/O or best offer
I’m up for sale. 25.5M in mostly mining related/PI Activity
3 clones
+5’s and Highwall MX-1005 Yield implants
20B B/O or best offer
Daily BUMP
Daily BUMP
I’ll do 10Bil
I can melt him down for 17bil, sorry man 10bil is way too low
if it was melted down it would be worth under 17B, about 16.8B.
Daily BUMP
bump 18 b
Is this character still for sale?
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