Selling (this) industrial alt weighted toward mining w/Drones, Fleet support, Resource Processing, Mining Barges/Exhumers/Frigates, and Planet Management. Positive security status, no kill rights either way, free travel in all high sec. In NPC corp (EveSkillboard has not update for this yet). Positive wallet (roughly 1 million ISK, not the 150mil the sheet says). One remap available. Three (3) jump clones.
Asking 2.5 billion starting bid; auction will run for 48-72 hours, longer if no bids. I reserve the right to terminate this auction at any time if I choose to accept a great bid.
Character sheet (EveSkillBoard); check it out before EveSkillboard website goes away! I can send a PDF of the EveSkillboard page in case the website goes bye-bye before auction ends. Usual CCP rules apply.
SniffleBum, if you’re still interested in this character for the amount you bid let me know and we’ll conclude the deal. If not, please post a message here saying you’re backing out. I’ll message your in-game alt this same message. Thanks!
@Daniel, if @SniffleBum doesn’t respond by tomorrow morning (she/he still hasn’t replied or proffered the ISK) my time (I’m west coast US) I’ll accept your offer. Sorry to make you wait but it’s only fair. If you choose to back out I understand.
@Daniel I accept your offer of 14 billion for this alt (Stocking Anarchys). Please send the proffered ISK to her (Stocking Anarchys); upon receipt I’ll start the character transfer and post the transfer start details.
I just need the ACCOUNT NAME (not email address) to transfer the character to. You didn’t include it in your recent email. Once I get that I can start the transfer process.
"We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.