pw 1234
500k unallocated SP
NPC Corp.
Located in highsec.
Positive Wallet.
Positive Security Status.
Will transfer character by PLEX.
B/0 26b pw 1234
500k unallocated SP
NPC Corp.
Located in highsec.
Positive Wallet.
Positive Security Status.
Will transfer character by PLEX.
B/0 26b
Looking at the skillboard, it seems like it’s only 45k unallocated SP - was there a typo somewhere?
one sec
you may place a bid
Thanks for the clarification! I’ll keep it in mind when weighing my options. Best of luck with all the sales!
b/0 is 26b if you wanna buy
26 b/o
Accepted, I can’t reject an offer from such beautiful mada’m Send isk and account info to Sweety
ISK and account sent
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