WTS - 3 x Exhumer Alts

Virtually identical, mostly just a difference in training time.

NOTE: they are all in a NPC corp, eveboard just needs to wait for an api update.

Daneka: 5.8mil sp

Price: 4.5 Bil

Aneka: 6.4mil sp

Price: 5 Bil

Bridget: 6.2mil sp

Price: 4.75 Bil

Any questions please ask here.

All toons located in Amarr.

Confirming I am for sale

Confirming I am for sale

Still for sale??

They just went on sale - yes.

12 billion for the whole lot how does that sound?

You are missing crystal skills, however that is a fast train.

Hey, as a trio that’s a fair price.

I accept 12 bil for all three

I believe you should send 4bil isk to each toon and the respective account details.

As soon as I receive, I will start the trasnfer.

Than you

Are you in game right now

Once you are online isk and account details will be send

I just logged in

in game


Isk sent on all toons and accounts names sent


We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Daneka Kautsuo

Will be completed after: 12/30/2017 3:16:26 AM

If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Bridget Kautsuo

Will be completed after: 12/30/2017 3:17:45 AM

If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Aneka Kautsuo

Will be completed after: 12/30/2017 3:18:56 AM

If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.

Email confirmed ~~~~~~ Thank you for good business.

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