WTS 35MP Rorqual Pilot

I am for sale! Tubal Cain’s the name and Krabbing is my game!

I am capable of flying a pretty solid yield Rorqual as well as a handy-dandy FAX(Apostle).

  • 35M SP highly focused into Rorqual and Capital Ship operation
  • T2 Industrial Core
  • Great Drone skills (Mining Drone Specialization 5)
  • 5.0 Security Status
  • In High Sec
  • 2005 Character
  • 1 Annual remap and 3 bonus
  • Positive Wallet

Lets go mining! Offers over 35B will be entertained. Anything lower will be considered a free bump and ignored.

30 bil

31 Billions

36 bill ready

37 billions

39 Billions

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Sold! Send ISK and account info to me and I’ll get sent over


42 bil


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Sorry about that. Sent from the wrong account.

I have not yet heard from Reptilicon,

AVAtaR44 I will accept your offer of 42.5B please send isk and Acct info to Tubal Cain

damn, not another 0.5 again :frowning:

45b just in case it becomes available again.

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Have not heard from AVAtaR44 yet. I am looking for a quick turn around on this to effect a different character purchase.

@Alarik_Askiras I will agree to sell to you to for the above price. Please message me in game to discuss further

@Alarik_Askiras and I have agreed to a price in game.

He will send ISK and account information shortly.

Payment has been made.

thanks in advance.

ISK received and Account info received via evemail.

Character transfer has been initiated. You should be receiving an email from CCP soon stating this.

Character Transfer Initiated

Dear toxxxxxxx,

You have chosen to transfer the character Tubal Cain to the account named hedexxxxxxxx.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

Character Transfer Received

Dear hexxxxxxxxx

Another player is transferring the character Tubal Cain to your account named hexxxxxxxxxx

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on the sender account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

Thank you very much for your business


Fly safe my friend. (Or dangerous if that’s your style!)