WTS 36m Combat Orientated Pilot

-Remap Available now +2 Bonus Remaps
-Positive Wallet
-Sec Status Positive
-No Kill Rights
-NPC Corp
-No skills Training
-Located in High Sec, no jump clones


Looking for offers.


31b offered

@Absolute_Truth sold. I can start the transfer as soon I get the isk.


Sending the isk now

1 Like

Isk sent and account info sent via in-game mail. Thank you.

Isk received, transfer to requested account. Thank you.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Mishka Sentzke

Will be completed after: 6/1/2018 4:14:02 AM

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