WTS 36mil sp, B/O 25B


Unallocated 300k sp
Location Jita
No KillRights
Pos Wallet
1 JumpClone
2 Remap Now

Missile boats
Blackops/HAC/AF/RECON Focus

Asking 25B

Daily Bump

Daily Bump

Daily Bump

Daily Bump

Daily Bump

Offer rescinded.

1 Like

How about 28b

Withdraw offer

B/O 28

Daily Bump

Daily bump

21b offer

Sorry 25B firm

Daily Bumps

I got 22bill for ya

Sorry 25b firm

Daily Bump

call 25b

I will accept your 25 Bill offer. Send isk and I will start the transfer as soon as I arrive home from work which is an approximately 2 hours from now.