[SOLD] WTS 39M Naglfar/Vargur Pilot


Character being transferred to Wayne Kerr. 10 Hour Cooldown Begins from now.

Currently in NPC Corp.
Positive Wallet Balance.
Currently in a HiSec Station.

Skill Highlights:

Jump Drive Calibration V
Marauders V
Minmatar Dreadnought V
Can use T2 HAW and CAP guns and T2 Autocannons.

Previous purpose was to sit in a C5 Wormhole and rat. Killboard is pretty clean.

Has Planetary Interaction skills as well so you do not waste the character slot. Fleet skills are for exact warping in C5 Sites where precision and warp ins for 100% optimal clear times…

Minimum bid is 39 Bil.

I may take some time to reply. But I will check on this post. I am in no rush to sell.

I am giving this up to 2 weeks from this post. If a sufficient offer is made, I will accept the buyout.

35b bid

40b bio

Weekend Bump.

interested to offer 45b B/o


I will accept this offer this Saturday, (15th of February) if nobody else outbids you by at least 3b.

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I retract offer

43b offer

Bid not accepted from Wayne Kerr.

Character sale remains open. I’m in no rush to sell at all.

why not accepted? 45 was retracted. so i bid 43b, but im happy to pay 45b to get this done ASAP :slight_smile:

is 45b bid accepted?

Hi, yes tomorrow.

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excited for this pilot!!!

Messaged you in game.

Isk transfered to Hostel