WTS 39m SP Starter PVP Toon

Positive Wallet
NPC Corp (QSNA Update pending)
No killrights
Jita 4-4

LG Askelpian

Starting Bid: 30b
B/O: 40b



Sold, please send isk and account details

If this didn’t sell let me know i be interested for 26bil,


Let me know if this doesnt sell. I am very interested and have isk ready if we can agree on price. Will send immediately. 28b ?

Sure send isk and account details 28b

ok - just evicting some unwanted visitors then I will do that.

Isk sent and account information sent

Waiting for confirmation of received isk and that transfer timer has started

So with no response from you I will open case with ccp to recover funds

Oddly enough - the character arrived with no word of timer.
