WTS 43 Mil SP Pilot


BO ? make me a good offer
All CCP rules aplied

Isk go to me

i pay the transfer

35 bil

37 and iam yours

for 37 pls send the isk to me and the account name and i start the transfer.

Not sold yet

OKE 35 bil isk
send the isk to me
send me the accountname and i transfer the char

Char up to be sold again.

Make me a good offer.

32 billion

33 bil

Thx for the bids
33 is to low

35 bil


1 Like

OKE 36 it is

Send the isk to me and send the account name and i start the transfer

SOLD to Royo Moyo

He is not responding.
That means i am up for sale again.

Start the bids

32B Online Now - Chat Me ingame <3

32 no
35 yes

Bid Retracted - Good Luck

fly save

33 bil