WTS 44mil sp Levi Pilot [sold]

38bil starting bid or best offer


38b is ready


38.5 bil

sorry the 38b is invalid


39b is ready

1 Like


Bump still open, haven’t received isk from 40bil offer

I’ll do for 39bil if you’re ready

OK,I accept the deal.Will the transfer be done with credit card or by plex?

I will pay the transfer fee on eve account management with credit card. Awaiting isk transfer and account details

39b Isk has sent and account info has sent through eve mail ,please comfirm and start to thansfer,thanks a lot!

Isk and account info recieved. Character has been transferred


18 Jan 2019 15:24

EVE Character transfer

Payment Method


I have received the character, thanks a lot.

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