ActuallyaDude’s Skillboard || Eve Is ESI || A Third Party Eve Online App
In Jita
In NPC Corp
Positive wallet
Positive Standings
Starting Bid 35 bill
Buyout 45 bil
ActuallyaDude’s Skillboard || Eve Is ESI || A Third Party Eve Online App
In Jita
In NPC Corp
Positive wallet
Positive Standings
Starting Bid 35 bill
Buyout 45 bil
I can buy instantly for 24B
25B offer
26 billions
Sincere friends, you should feel that this type of role is not very popular now. I think if I provide 30B, I hope you can consider it.
After further consideration VueJs Ill except your offer of 30bill
still going no word from VueJs
bid 31B.
isk and account email sent
isk received transfer started Receipt
10 Dec 2022 14:25
Transfer Character
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