WTS 48.5Mil Subcap PVP character

Selling myself.

Minmatar Battleship 5
Gallente Battleship 5
Interceptor 5
Amar/Gallente/Minmatar Cruiser 5

Great Gunnery/Armor/Engineering/Drone skills.

Bidding to start at 35B

35b i can pay now

35.5b offer now

36b offer

Current highest offer is 36B. Will wait for more bids for now.

36.5b offer

36.5b current highest offer, Will see if any bids get closer to 40. If not it will be yours.


Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily bump

Daily Bump

Character is yours for 36.5 if you still want it.

I can do 37 Billion

I’m willing to accept that. Send account name and isk and I’ll process transfer

Will send isk and information later when I am home :slight_smile:

Great. Let me know when sent and I’ll process transfer :slight_smile:

38b i can pay now

There has been no further contact from pervious bidder, Are you ready to buy now?

Sorry was not able to get on last night I am able to pay right now 37b? I am able to pay right now