WTS 48m SP Loki/Legion Pilot with basic Carrier skills

Good Loki and Legion pilot.

Min and Gal carrier skills, but not more than a sitter currently.

He is in NPC corp, it’s just lagging in showing it

Make me an offer

Can I get a qnsa link please?

I’ve not sold in a long time:

is that what you needed?

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I’ll offer 30b, thanks

34 bill

35b offer

I’ll keep accepting offers for a bit, but I’ll set a 40B B/O

First 40 gets him, otherwise I’ll take top offer tomorrow afternoon.

35b is the top offer, so I accept

Please send isk and account info to the character in game, and I will initiate transfer


ISK and account name sent from ‘Strugo’

Transfer initiated

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