Selling one of my subcap pilots.
In NPC corp
located in Amarr
No kill rights
Negative 2.3 Sec Status
Positive Isk
Neural Remap Available
2 Bonus Remaps
41B starting bid
B/O Hidden
Thanks for looking!
1 Like
Looking for a little more. Almost there.
I’ll accept Maizie Fields bid of 46B. Send isk and account info.
No response from the 46B Bidder. Still for sale.
Please respond within 24hrs. I will take the 44B bid from @Maizie_Fields.
Sorry for the delays, may be a time zone thing. Sending ISK and account info now…
Edit: ISK and account info sent. Please advise when transfer is under way.
Isk and account name received. Transfer has been initiated. Thanks
Transfer confirmed. Thanks K.V.!
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