WTS 51.8M SP Toon, Nyx/Aeon/Revelation Pilot[SOLD]


Toon in Jita
Positive Wallet
No Killrights.
4 Jumpclones in Uemon NPC Station: HG Amulet, HG Ascendancy, MG Amulet, +4 Training Pod
1 Remap Available.

Amarr Gallente Carrier 5.
Light/Heavy Fighters 4.
Amarr Dread 4.

nice character ill start you off with 30bil

  1. gogo

45b offered

Bids will close Nov 20th, 2024 14:00 EVE Time. Will accept highest offer by then.

46b b/o

56b b/o offered

58b. b/o

Offer accepted, Evemail me transfer target with ISK.

Isk and Eve mail sent with transfer details

Transfer Initiated.

1 Like

Toon Received. Thank you

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