WTS 54M SP Pilote Nyx, Hel, Vanquisher, Arariel

After selling my titan Vanquisher i need to sell pilote titan so as not to waste.

Can pilote vanquisher, Arariel, Erebus, Ragnarok, Nyx, hel

Have 3 Skins Vanquisher : Serpentis Victory SKIN 41 B on the market jita, Vanquisher IGC SKIN 4B and Vanquisher Glacial Drift SKIN.

One Remap ready
Security Status 5.0
positive Wallet
No Killrights
Bid start 60 B

1 Like

50 B offer

My offert 51b

55B offer

60B offer

61b offer

62b offer

65B offer

66b offer

68b offer

Offer 69B, ready ?


ISK Transfer Today

Start transfert character

70b ?

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