WTS 55.3million sp Levi titan, Phoenix and Naglfar pilot
- 5.0 Security status
- Positive wallet
- 1 Yearly remap available
- Located in Podion
- 1 Jump clone in Amarr
Looking for around 55bill
WTS 55.3million sp Levi titan, Phoenix and Naglfar pilot
Looking for around 55bill
40b offer
40bill is a bit to low for me
i will leave this post up for another day, and if no one has offered more than 46bill then i will accept your offer Ronimil.
48B thanks~
i accept 48bill awaiting payment.
Thank you for waiting. ISK and email have been sent. Let me know when the transfer is complete
Isk recieved and transfer started
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Tiberius Hoeth
Will be completed after: 8/31/2020 7:12:32 PM
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