WTS 57m SP industrialists

I am for sale.
Industrial / science skills with good mining and freight skills mixed in.

Exhumers 5
Industrial command ships 5
Transport ships 5 (can do deluge and torrent too)
Very good science skills allowing for research and production
High (but not anywhere maxed) reprocessing skills.

+5 clone
All 3 attribute remaps available
Positive wallet
Positive sec status
No Killrights
In NPC corp

Let’s start at 40B
Buyout 52B

Couple of cool(?) skins too

48b b/o

49b offered

I can accept 49b, if you wish to evemail me the account and isk i will start transfter today

Isk sent.
Account details sent in-game

Thanks for the smooth exchange, enjoy!

Transfer has been started

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