WTS 58M – Jack of all trades [SOLD}

Want to Sell 58M “Ju Be”

Good looking with a nice name, has been with some good corps.


I have played “Ju Be” as I intermittently returned to the game over many years, so he has had a range of roles and ship abilities, the foundations of such can now be taken forward for specialisations such as Capital Ships or fleshed out in a particular area.

Will start from 25 billion, but I will accept a buyout in the forty plus as I want to conclude the sale soon, so a genuine buyout offer in that mid-range will be accepted.

Current skill points (9.10.17) 58,223,578 with 3 remaps available now

Ships, many ships.
Rhea, Charon, Tengu, Covert Ops, Onyx, Command Ships, Exhumers, Interceptors, Electronic Attack, Bomber, Strategic Cruiser, Tactical, Destroyer, Black Ops, Heavy Interdiction, Battle Cruiser/Ship and many more.
Mainly Caldari but also some Amarr. A handful of books away from some Capital Ships.

Good Skills for;
Level 4s, Mining, PvP, Production, Exploration, Support and also has a good foundation for other roles.

Located in Perimeter 1.0 The Forge
Has one jump jump clone
Positive wallet
No kill rights

48 billion

49 bil

TxivYawg1 ( I have tried to contact you in and out of the game, but you have not let me know if you want to proceed. )

Still available for sale.

35b isk ready

Thanks Mad Vemane, I’ll wait a little while to see if there is more interest, but as said willing to accept a genuine buyout offer in the forty plus.

42.5bil b/o ? can complete immediately


FrostyJack, yes I can logging Jube and account on, send Jube the account name

Aww I was too slow. Grats!

Thanks and sorry 4th Place Loser. :slight_smile:

isk / account name sent

Hi FrostyJack,

I have entered the name and will transfer in a few minutes.

Thanks again, much appreciated

Hi FrostyJack,

Transfer initiated, thanks for the quick transaction.

confirming received confirmation of transfer

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