WTS 5M sp farm


at perimeter
no kill rights
wallet positive

biology 5
cybernetics 5
standard implant set + etc.

bid 3.5b
buyout 4b

3.5b offer

accepted please send isk and account info

Isk and account info sent

Character Name: Kyaru Momochi

Will be completed after: 2020-08-07 AM 1:16:30 KST

Hold up, that character had 5.6m skillpoints when i sent the ISK, you’ve since extracted 500m sp

I will be raising a support ticket on this, the rules clearly state:

" Please also be acutely aware that scamming using character sales is a violation of the EVE Online EULA, and any individuals found to be involved in character sales scams will be permanently banned from EVE Online across all their accounts with no recourse."

“You may not extract skillpoints from a character after it has been advertised for sale. Character sales threads must accurately represent the character’s state. Extracting skill after a character has been advertised for sale will be considered character sales scamming, and reprimands will be issued as such.”

Hey man, I dont think he was scamming, he posted on my wtb advert earlier, i checked his skillboard and it did state 5.6m sp but after i pressed the update button and it changed to 5 mill, which is what he offered me over 2 hours ago.

Scam or error, I made the bid based on the eveskillboard he provided, which was not accurate.

“Character sales threads must accurately represent the character’s state. Extracting skill after a character has been advertised for sale will be considered character sales scamming”.

I would like my ISK returned and transfer cancelled

I’ll give 3.5 Bil in case if you still have 5,150,100 SP or more and Cybernetics is still at V.

The bid may be retracted today/tomorrow. I looking for 2 chars, and will take first two answering.
Thank you


2.5B or free bump ,fly safe

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