WTS 5m SP Pilot, Cybernetics V 3.8B

-Located in Jita
-Positive Security Status
-Positive Wallet
-No Kill Rights
-Clean Corp History
-Cybernetics V
-I pay transfer


Buyout: 3.8B

1,5B max

Thanks for the bump


2 bil


2.1 bil

3.8B B/O offered :slight_smile:

offer 4B now

I will match the 4B just because I hate people that throw bids after a buyout

Sorry for the slow reply. Still interested?

I am interested in purchase you for 3.8b

I am online.

Offer accepted, please send the isk and I will begin the transfer when I am home.

@Nyx_Tawate Hey Im here right now if this isnt sold yet? I can take the buyout fo 3.8 bil aswell

@Queen_Estoria Hey, i’ll be home from work in about 8 hours. If I’ve not heard anything from the buyer by then I’ll accept your offer. Is that ok?

I guess so, yea

@Queen_Estoria Sorry, sale is cancelled for now. I’ve made a mistake.

Ah :frowning: sad

Down to offer 4 bil as buyout hough @Nyx_Tawate

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