Skills -
SP - 4 983 292
Free SP - 373 722
Can handle 5 planets
6 Science jobs (ready to learn Advanced laboratory operation skill)
Cybernetics V
Date of Birth 2011-05-22
Almost passive profits around 1bil ISK per month
Positive wallet
Located in Jita
Positive standing
I’ll pay transaction fee
Start - 5 Bil
B/o - 6 Bil
4.75b offered will send isk in 12 hours
Accepted, waiting for ISK, (account name where to transfer already send).
Isk and accouint info sent
Confirmed, initiate transfer process with 1000 PLEX through support ticket.
Ticket ID #921930 created, AFAIK support GMs who make transfers don’t work during weekends, so most probably character transfer will be done on Monday.
September 27, 2019, 10:14am
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