Thats right, this toon is for sale!
Decent starter toon, taking offers
Thats right, this toon is for sale!
Decent starter toon, taking offers
4.5bill ready now
what is your buy out?
I dont really have one but the going prices for toons in this range is what? 5-6b or so, just want to sell it
4.8 b/o
ill take 5,3bill and its done
if you do not sell i might take it
Shoot me another offer DRBringer
B/o at 5.25 bill
Narha CeSaille thats close enough, B/O accepted, send isk and info to me and ill start the transfer
isk sent and account info sent
Target user has too many characters
Looks like I either need another account or you need to delete one
deleteing in 8 hrs
ready to recieve
Transfer startet! enjoy
ty for it
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