WTS 6,3m sp decent starter

Thats right, this toon is for sale!


Decent starter toon, taking offers

4.5bill ready now

what is your buy out?

I dont really have one but the going prices for toons in this range is what? 5-6b or so, just want to sell it :slight_smile:

4.8 b/o

ill take 5,3bill and its done :slight_smile:

if you do not sell i might take it

Shoot me another offer DRBringer

B/o at 5.25 bill

Narha CeSaille thats close enough, B/O accepted, send isk and info to me and ill start the transfer :slight_smile:

isk sent and account info sent

Target user has too many characters

Looks like I either need another account or you need to delete one :slight_smile:

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deleteing in 8 hrs

ready to recieve

Transfer startet! enjoy

ty for it

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