- PositivE wallet
- Positive Sec
- located in Perimeter
- 0 JC
250k unallocated SP
Still has a handful of tengu ready skills (needs to retrain Caldari Cruiser V)
Currently specced out for Per/Wil with +5s
Plex Transfer will be used
B/O: 6.5b
Edit: I’ve quit corp, it will update on the next skillboard refresh
can we meet at 6.25b? @Amon_Calis
Yeah ok. Sending deets soon.
Send when you can to Lebeau, and I’ll submit the ticket @Amon_Calis
Im so sorry mate. I got called into work. I will however be back around dt. Aorry for stiff around.
No worries I can get on and sort it all out hopefully some time in the next 4 hrs
And transferred, 7minutes, record timing
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