18 days and still patiently waiting… the courtesy of a response to me from the GM team would be greatly appreciated.
This is a clear cut case of a scam. The “Last Activity” clock of the support ticket was updated 3 times within 24 hours of the ticket’s filing on November 21. None of those “looks” were a response to me. I suspect the process entailed an initial read, assignment to a scam specialist on the GM team, and immediate action against the perpetrator.
This begs the question: why would the Good Guy’s (me) ISK be held without a response for 18 days and counting? I’ve been active in the community since 2001 (yes, pre-beta), played strictly by the rules, clean as a whistle, fair and friendly in-game, and a consistent, positive supporter of the CCP team.
@Maizie_Fields no it is not, you an respected char trader and i am really sorry to see such things happen. I hope you get results from CCP anytime soon.