WTS 61.5 mil SP mid range starter toon

PW: “12345”

Recon - V
Heavy Assault Cruisers - V
Logistics Cruisers - V
Amarr Battleship / Cruiser / Destroyer / Frigate - V
T2 Amarr Guns

Positive wallet
Sec Status -0.7
Located in High sec
No Kill Rights
1 Remap Available

Auction will stay up for a week after posting or until final deal is made. I don’t check the toon often so plz post bids here.

Starting Bid 45 Bil
Bid increments of 500 mil
B/O 55 or best offer
(I will pay the transfer)

46 Bil

45,5b offer

Daily bump

Bump <3

Daily (bump) reminder don’t grow up kids being adult sucks you are always tired and googling how to do stuff

Bump <3

47 bil

I’ll take that as final offer if you like bud.

47,5 if still interesting

Ya sure today is the final day anyway so I will take that as final offer since the other person hasn’t responded.

Send isk to this character and transfer details in eve mail and I will start the process

isk and acc info sent ingame to Scoza Qirna.
confirm pls.

waiting for confirmation.

Isk and account info received

I have started the transfer thanks for your business

character received, thank you.

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