WTS 8MIL SP Minnie Starter toon

Hey my dudes.


I have no use for this character anymore to letting her go. 8mil SP well placed.

Fittings -

CPU Management Level: 5

Electronics Upgrades Level: 5

Energy Grid Upgrades Level: 5

Power Grid Management Level: 5

Weapon Upgrades Level: 5

Ships -

|Minmatar Destroyer Level: 5

|Minmatar Frigate Level: 5

This toon will be great for anyone starting out wanting easy and cheap access to PvP. The sec status is -1.62

Positive wallet status
No jump clones
Character is located in Ammold
All CCP Rules apply

Bidding at 5.5bil
B/O at 7bil

Have fun guys.

Friendly bump, still looking to be sold.

I will buy it

Bid taken, will sell after 5 days. :slight_smile: Any other bids welcome in the meantime.

i retract my bid for now

No problem my dude, give me a shout if you change your mind.

As for everyone else, this is a friendly bump.

Friendly bump, still looking to be sold.

6b bid

Hey my dude, 6bil bid taken. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi my guys, just to let you know I’ve just sold to Anatoli Cannoli. Closing the auction now. As soon as the isk hits my bank I’ll begin transfer.

Been a pleasure. o/

6b sent to Hek Nabara. Will update when all goes through.

Messaged you in game. Need transfer name. Will be at work tomorrow but will transfer when I’m home

Transfer started. Good doing business.

Transfer completed. Topic can be closed.

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