No wallet balance
No kill rights
No jump clones
Located in Jita 4-4
2 remap bonus
It specializes in the Amarr Battleship.
Bidding starts at 4 Bil
4.5 Bil buyout
No wallet balance
No kill rights
No jump clones
Located in Jita 4-4
2 remap bonus
It specializes in the Amarr Battleship.
Bidding starts at 4 Bil
4.5 Bil buyout
i would like to offer 3.8b, thanks
I want to sell for at least 4.0b bro
the way of skill training is a bit off to my expectation, I prefer Missile more than Gunnery,
I would try with 4B then you can also email me ingame if accept, thanks
Isk sent
account name: gemaccno2
Thank you, will confirm again when character received
Char received,
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