WTS 62 M Skill Point JF Pilot, Tengu,Loki Perfect Scout

Hello everyone I am

Zai Fera

Located Highsec
Zero isk balance
I will pay transfer
Positive sec status
In NPC Corp

Start 35 B
B/O …
Thank you all, Fly Safe

Bump Day

36 B…

40B offer

42 B offer. ISK ready.

43B Offer, Ready to go.

1 Like

44B offer

45 B Offer

Thanks to all the offers made, I will decide on the highest offer this evening when I return from work, thanks to everyone

ok send isk and name account thx

OK, isk sent

Transferring to 0000000

Will be completed after 2/22/2024 6:21:37 AM

thx Fly Safe

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