WTS 63m SP - Dread/Traige/Carrier/BLOPS Pilot

  • JDC V
  • T2 Nag WH farming / Else.
  • T2 Traige for Liff/Apostle/Ninazu
  • BLOPS bridger + COV cyno
  • Carrier skills

Full HG Spur Set.
Positive Wallet.
3 Remaps available.

Located : Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant.


Starting Bid : 45B

45bil Valid until i get another toon

50B isk ready

Bid Accepted.

Please send ISK & Account info, i shall then start the transfer.

Thank you

Please check the email, isk and acc have been sent

Account info & ISK received.

Ticket in with CCP to transfer character.

Thank you

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