WTS 65.1 mil sp Near Perfect Mining Roqr Pilot!

I apologize I got called out late for work. I just woke up I have to go in and finish that up it should not take more than 6 hours and then I will be back to my house and finish this again I apologize.

@Raven_Deadskin ah ok no worries thanks for the update

you gonna do the transfer today? @Raven_Deadskin its been another 10 hours…

@Raven_Deadskin hope you can transfer soon as the isk was deposited into your account 48+ hours ago and still havent got a transfer initiation… hoping to resolve this fast so i can put the toon to good use. and hoping im not gonna have to cancel my offer and get my isk back

I will do 63b if he cancels.

Transfer initiated. I just got home thank you for being patient.

Thanks email recived

Has this been finalized?

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