WTS 69 Mill Very focused PVPer


PW: 123456

69,224,241 trained SP
250,000 unallocated SP
remap available
Born 25.03.2009

Positive wallet
No kill rights
Located in high-sec space station

Offers please. All CCP rules will be followed, I will pay for transfer.

How much do you want???


Thank you for your bid.

do you have a buyout range in mind?

I haven’t sold any characters in sometime, been trying to gauge what the going rate is for a char that pvp focused however not come across any yet. i’ll look a bit more at the history forums in chara ter bazzaar and come back.

I can go up to 65bil for immediate transaction. It is a nice skill sheet.

sounds good and saves me messing around. 65 Bill B/O accepted.

O.K. buyer has pulled out. Too much hassle with people not doing what they say. Character is no longer for sale. Going to farm it instead. Thanks for any genuine lookers.

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