74.4Mil SP Pilot For Sale
Begin Price: 65 Bil ISK
Buyout: 78 Bil ISK
Fighters V
Advanced Weapon V
Large Hybrid Turret/Large Projectile Turret V
Minmatar Carrier V
Gallente/Caldari Battleship V
Skill Points: 74,391,419
Unallocated SP:49,247
Comes with 3 extra jump clones and implants
no killrights
I will pay cost of transfer
65 bil
Thanks for the offer. I’ll wait.
66 bil
68 Billion ISK right here
70 billion isk right here
Thank you all for the offers, looking for a bit more
Turtle top bid for 73b
Waiting 48h to see if others are interested
Buyout set at 78b
78isk ready
Will accept Billy Hakomairos 78bil
Please send acct info and Isk
isk and account info sent
please transfer this character
ISK received, starting the transfer procedure
Character transferred, wait for completion
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