Wts 74 M sp PVP toon

I am for sale!
Dada is recommended himself as a strong PVP character.
Frigates V, Gallente BS V, Cruisers v
Caldari Industrial V

Sec.status + (5.0)
Born in 2011
No kill rights
Wallet positive
2 Jump clones
Bids start from 40 bil

40 isk redy

Thank you for opening the auction

you would like to have one for your character ???Bo

BO 50 bil or best offer till Monday

I need something for the weekend

41b offer

45 Bo Today

BO 48 Today

50 bil BO

Acoount details have been sent in ingaim mail please confirm here and I send the isks

yeah I confirm selling it for 50 bil

I changed account name. Sent you new email and isks

I t means scam. There is no character transfer. Making petition

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