WTS 78 M pilot

http://eveboard.com/pilot/Massacreist if it asks for password 1234

Make offer

60 bil

62 bil

62 bil accepted send isk and info will begin transfer as soon as i get home

Sending now

63 bil… Isk ready and can send now.

FYI, you do not have to commit sale to Gattanera until isk received. You can still change your mind and sell it to a higher bidder without any issue from CCP according to the rules.

Contact me in-game if you wanna talk…

LOL. ISK and acc info already sent

yeah, you better stay on the computer 24/7 or i’ll hijack your purchase :rofl:

LOL, butthurt much?

ISK and account information received Transfer completed

10/8/2017 6:09:01 PM UTC	1 x EVE Character Transfer 	$20.00	Paid

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