[WTS] 7mio PI Toon

Hi I am for sale!

Perfectly focused to do PI in a Wh.

  • 7.1 mio skillpoints

  • Many skills injected

  • a set of +5 implants

  • Cybernetics at lvl 5

  • 3 scanning +2 implants

  • all PI skills at lvl 5 (remote Sensing at 226.021/256.000)

  • 2 Bonus Remaps still available, currently set to Intelligence and Memory

  • rp name

  • short corp history

http://eveboard.com/pilot/Jayden_Vokan (no PWD required!)

All CCP rules apply:

  • No kill rights
  • no relation to any faction
  • (lived in a wh)
  • sits in Jita
  • positive wallet and security status
  • I will pay the transfer fee!

B/O 6 bil

4b buyout

4.5b buyout

5b buyout


5.3 bill B/O


Still Loopings for a Bit more! Pump

how much are you looking for?


Daily pump! :sunglasses:

Pump it up!

Use the chance to get a cash cow you can milk every day or alle 5 days
doing the PI on a moon in Low, Null or a Wh… :moneybag:


Pump, only looking for some more!

Go get your chance and get rich with PI !

6bil I offer

You got the toon!

Send the ISK and I will start the transfer…

and of course I need the account to transfer to…

Sent isk and account info thanks

Transfer Character

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Jayden Vokan

Will be completed after: 10/17/2017 3:25:19 AM

If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.

Thx for the business!