WTS 8.8m SP mining Pilot


Here is for Sale my now unused Mining Character. Ideally would like to be gone within 7 Days, I may look to extend if needed.

Skills 8,815,684

Positive Sec Status
Positive Wallet
No Kill Rights
Yearly Remap 1
Bonus Remap 2

Docked in Jita

I will receive ISK. I will pay Transfer Fee. All other CCP rules apply.

Start Bid 4 Bil
BO 10 Bil

I’ll start 4B bid :slight_smile:

I start 4.2B bid

7B isk bid

@Deth_Deeler Add been up for 7 days and you are the highest bid. if you would be so kind as to send ISK and mail with details in game and I will get the ball rolling.

Bidding finished boys and girls, if highest bid falls through or pulls out I will go to next bidder.


Getting on now to send isk

isk and mail sent

All sorted, not sure how long it takes to go through.

Thank you.

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