WTS 86Mill PVP character


Selling myself: EveSkillboard - Jonas Grumbie

Positive wallet
Located in Jita
Positive sec status
Great set of implants
2 Remaps avaible

Start bid 45B
B/O make me a great offer

Jonas Grumbie I can save you some time and offer the 48.5B.

47.5 bil b/o

50 bill isk ready

Would like to get a bit more for the character



Nearly there

what are you looking for ?

55B Would be a nice BO

how about 53bill ?


54B and its yours

hahaha you used the wrong character :stuck_out_tongue: it happens to us all 53 bill is in the middle between 51 and 55 so I think I will stay with 53 bill it is anyway the best I can offer :frowning: hope you accept it :slight_smile:

50 bill B/O as arranged in game

account info and Isk send please replay here if he have started the transfer.

i can offer 54b

Offer accepted

Character has been transfered

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